"The film [Batman vs. Superman] was originally pitched in August 2001 by Andrew Kevin Walker, with Wolfgang Petersen to direct and Akiva Goldsman to script. Goldman's script had Bruce Wayne's fiancée slain by the Joker, which sends him on a revenge rampage and brings him into conflict with Superman who tries to stop him. The film was shelved, but in Goldsman's I Am Legend (2007), a teaser poster for the film (the Superman shield inside a bat) was seen in the opening scene."
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startseite wieder toll.
Was Bleistift meint: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-width_space
€: Mhm, ich war eben noch einmal drauf. Ich glaube das is dem Titel des Videos geschuldet.
edit2: jup, wenn ich der infobox ein overflow: hidden in die hand drücke siehts wieder in ordnung aus.