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Das ist ein Stromzähler mit WEB Applikation! :cerealguy:
@Azrael_GoD #quickpic29961425737313.jpg
@Stolen Naja... :uglylol:
Den Text habe ich hier von irgendjemanden mal bei den Kommentaren gefunden... Wo auch immer der herkommt, es lohnt sich ;) About 10 years ago, I lived in Savannah, GA. I had moved into a carriage house with 3 friends of mine. I knew there was a bit of a spider problem because when I was moving into my room, I found a dead spider curled in the corner of the room that was roughly the size of my closed fist. At that time I was full-on arachnophobic, and was completely unprepared for the horrors that living in that house would subject me to. Shortly after moving in, the pilot light on the water heater went out. The problem was, the water heater was in the attic. I borrowed a ladder from work, went home and attempted to access the water heater via the...er...um...attic hole? Upon opening the attic hole in the ceiling I saw something that still chills my blood to this day. The entire ceiling of the attic was covered in what I can only describe as Tim Burton's wet dream. The spider webs were so thick, it looked like someone had gone too far with the Halloween decorations. As I scanned the attic ceiling with my flashlight from the relative safety of the living room, my flashlight beam caught on, and reflected back two green glowing eyes that were about the size of green peas. Attached to those demon eyes was a spider that looked vaguely like a gaunt tarantula. The spider was clinging to the ceiling in a stance that said, "I swear to arachni-god, if you come one step closer I will fucking end you." The reason for such hostility was, the silver dollar sized egg sack that clung to the bottom of the spider. After fighting to keep the screams and vomit in my throat, I realized that I couldn't handle the task alone, and my roommates wouldn't be home for a while. I needed to go get reinforcements. I left the house with an overwhelming case of the jibblies, and headed to a local coffee shop that I frequented, knowing I would find someone there that I could enlist to help me. After finding and persuading my friend High School Pete to help me, we returned to the house. Upon seeing the spider still sitting in the same spot, High School Pete exclaims, "Holy mother fuck that!" and immediately walks out the front door, never to return. I sat for a while pondering how I could get into the attic without disturbing the spider when two of my roommates came home. I showed them the spider and after a few minutes of shrieking like little lady girls, we started to devise a plan of attack. We decided that our only two true weapons were a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment and a can of Raid. Seeing that the can of Raid didn't shoot very far, we opted for the vacuum cleaner. The plan was to use the hose to simply suck the spider off of the ceiling and go on about our business. The problem again was distance and our reluctance to get close to the spider. So, I quickly attached the hose to the end of a broom handle using my belt, effectively doubling the distance between me and the spawn of Satan, mother to be. I climbed the ladder, got the hose as close to the spider as I could and told my roommate to turn it on. When the vacuum cleaner came alive I put the hose directly on the spider only to have it nonchalantly WALK AWAY. We realized we needed another plan. What happened next will be burned into my memory for all time as the simultaneously funniest and scariest thing I have ever witnessed. My roommate Brandon somehow grew an extra set of testicles and decided that he would climb the ladder and shoot the spider with the can of Raid. He then pulls the hood of his sweatshirt onto his head and pulled the draw strings tight leaving himself a very small anus-like opening to look out of. With Raid can in hand, he started to climb the ladder. While two of us had flashlights trained on the spider, Brandon reaches the top of the ladder, and after what seemed like an eternity, he let a burst of Raid fly at the spider. Now. It was on. The spider immediately dropped from the ceiling to the attic floor and started coming after Brandon. At this point the three of us in the living room just started full on screaming. Brandon then drops off the ladder, skipping all of the rungs, lands on the living room floor, does a ninja roll backwards, and stands up and points the can of Raid at the ceiling, waiting for the spider to come out. What he didn't realize was while he was doing his acrobatics off the ladder, the spider had already dropped out of the attic onto the floor and was coming right for him. The rest of us stood there trying to alert Brandon of his impending doom. The problem was, we were all in full blown caveman mode and all we could do was point and scream. With the spider covering ground very quickly, Brandon realizes where the spider is, and starts to empty the contents of the Raid can onto the spider. At this point, the spider is still coming at him despite the deluge of chemicals being sprayed into it's demon eyes. Eventually the attack becomes almost too much for the spider. I say almost because the spider then, in complete disregard for its motherly instincts, DROPS ITS EGG SACK leaving it behind, and CONTINUES to go after Brandon. A few more seconds and the remaining contents of the Raid can later, the spider finally starts to succumb to the effects of the poison. We watch as it slowly takes its last dying steps, still trying to get to Brandon, and curls up into a ball of demon death. After standing around in slack-jawed disbelief, we realize that we still have two problems. The first being the egg sack that the momma spider left behind. We knew we didn't want to squish it because that would probably launch us into a full on war with thousands of little versions of the most determined spider I have ever witnessed. So I gingerly picked the egg sack up using a dustpan, took it outside and lit that fucker on fire. The last remaining problem was the water heater. After all this, I had yet to successfully get into the attic to light the pilot light. I slowly climbed the ladder and peered into the attic with my flashlight. As I scanned the dark recesses, I noticed several pairs of eyes glowing back at me from the corners of the dusty, web ridden attic. There we no less than a dozen spiders hanging dead in their webs. Each one of them was the size of my hand. Realizing that they were dead and I was relatively safe, I completed the climb into the attic and approached the water heater. Just as I lit my lighter a tiny little house spider rappelled down on its web right in front of my face. Before the earlier incident, the sighting of this tiny spider would have sent me shrieking and running. But I simply scoffed at the spider, lit the pilot light, and closed that attic hole/portal to hell satisfied in knowing that it was that day that I was no longer arachnophobic knowing that I would most likely never experience anything like that ever again.
@WMFlitzer Weil sie britische Strafkolonie sind?
Das ist ein Stromzähler mit WEB Applikation! :cerealguy:
@Pudelhuhn your counter spiders
@WMFlitzer und warum nehmen sie dann am Eurovision Song Contest teil? :trollface:
Bist du irre? Das macht sie nur wütend!
Einfach mit dem Zeigefinger drücken. Am besten vorne
Deo Feuer = einzige Lösung :ninja:
@Leggy Nö, die Zeichnung auf dem Hinterleib passt gar nicht.
Da wird sich der gute wohl ein neues Haus besorgen müssen. :confused:
@Zufall Die wird von der Infrarotsicht der umliegenden Schlangen gestört
Sieht aber eher aus wie ne poecilotheria.... Doch eher Indien?
Deswegen sind die auch nicht in der EU!

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