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1:56 :rofl::rofl:
Eigentlich sollten so junge Hunde keine treppensteigen. :cerealguy:
Wie heißt das Lied?
@LarryCroft klingt nach regina spektor
@LarryCroft das ist seichti mcweichspül mit tuneforcuteanimalclips6754 :cerealguy:
Here we will explore true facts about puppies Aaawwwww, they're cute.
lasst eure lieblinge sterilisieren...
Liegt das an dem Video oder kann man jetzt viel besser spulen? :OoO:
fiepsimiepsisüßiknuffi! maaaawww!!! Sorry, Verstand hat kurzzeitig ausgesetzt!
@Nessel brauchst dich nicht entschuldigen, sei einfach du selbst :heart:
@Nessel Ich kann dir nur von Katzenvideos abraten. Zu deiner eigenen Sicherheit...
@Edit Süß :) du du du du du du
@SharpOnScreen Wer zum Teufel ist nun wieder Edit Süß ?
too many puppieees..
@kuchen primus habe ich das erste mal mit 10 jahren gehört und daaaaaaaaamals im ferienlager, hat man das noch gesagt!
@kuchen primus sucks sagt man nicht mehr, selbst claypool findet das doof
@kuchen ... being shot in the dark. Too many puppies are trained not to bark. At the sight of blood that must be spilled so that we may maintain Our oil fields. Too many puppies. Too many puppies. Too many puppies are taught to heal. Too many puppies are trained to kill. On the command of men wearing money belts that buy mistresses Sleek animal pelts. Too many puppies. Too many puppies. Too many puppies. Too many puppies. Skinny was born in a bathtub And he grew so incredibly thin Even the tide from the eyedropper sucked him in Skinny never knew any questions Skinny never looked alike Skinny sold somethin' every single night Skinny sold a soldier to me Skinny sold the wife Skinny sold a suction cup and a knife Skinny found a hello dolly record in the house. Sold it to a truck driver in the night. Too many puppies with guns in their hands. Too many puppies in foreign lands. Are dressed up sharp in suits of green and placed upon the war machine. Too many puppies are just like me. Too many puppies are afraid to see. The visions of the past brought to life again, Too many puppies, too many dead men. Primus Sucks!

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