@Erwin Schlonz Du meinst er hat einen Schwertfisch in den Arsch bekommen. Gleich kommt die gesamte britische Navy und balliert ihm den Pelz vom Leib, woraufhin sich der Hund selbst sprengt :D
Aber Bismark ist doch keine Name für einen Hund.
In der Mitte könnte man doch die Hauswasserpumpe installieren und den Hund als Antrieb nutzen. Dann läuft er nicht sinnlos herum für sein Futter.:rolleyes:
@fortyfive I know it's pretty sad. And many people have told me in the original post that she needs toys and such to keep her mind occupied, but she has TONS of toys and we play with her any chance we get. But she has hip dysplasia and once she's tired of fetch and stuff, she prefers to walk around this circle trying to catch that damn laser pointer that disappeared 5 years ago.
@fortyfive The neighbor that used to live next door had a 6 year old daughter who would shine a laser pointer from her window into their back yard and their dog would chase it around (mostly she would shine it near this tree) Well, new neighbors and 5 years later and poor Nala is constantly running in this perfect circle around the tree looking for the laser pointer.