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Parkinson-Patient nimmt Marijuana

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Larry Smith, who previously served 26 years in law enforcement, has been battling Parkinson's for 20 years. As Larry's disease progressed and worsened over the years, he explored every possible avenue to try and ease his symptoms. As one of his last resorts, Larry and his wife Elizabeth travelled to San Diego to try medical marijuana for the first time as cannabis is not legal in their home state. Larry's symptoms are very pronounced: he has trouble walking, he has difficulty speaking and is in obvious pain as he tries to control his severe shaking. After placing only one drop of cannabis oil under his tongue, what happens next is truly incredible and could pave the way for a possible cure for the debilitating disease in the future. Within just a few minutes, Larry's body completely relaxes. His shaking stop, he can speak normally and is completely alleviated of pain.

Aber man kriegt es doch auf Rezept?


Cannabis Legalisierung in CAN & USA.

Mit Sicherheit in naher Zukunft auch in der EU.

Deshalb bin ich in Cannabis Aktien investiert - und es lohnt sich! surprise

......könnte aber auch in Rauch aufgehen enlightened

mit Sicherheit nicht. Seit gesern in Californien legalisiert.

Im Sommer dann auch in Kanada.

Cannabis ist ein riesiges Geschäft für die Pharmaindustrie.

Dass es auch in wenigen Jahren in der EU legalisiert wird, dafür wird die starke Pharmalobby schon sorgen. Die Gesetze im EU Parlament bestimmt seit jeher schon die Wirtschaft.


Wenn ich sehe, was der Staat meiner Oma da antut ...

Was tut er denn?

Ihr ein wirksames Parkinsonmedikament vorenthalten und sie somit foltern.

Aber man kriegt es doch auf Rezept?



Larry Smith, who previously served 26 years in law enforcement, has been battling Parkinson's for 20 years. As Larry's disease progressed and worsened over the years, he explored every possible avenue to try and ease his symptoms. As one of his last resorts, Larry and his wife Elizabeth travelled to San Diego to try medical marijuana for the first time as cannabis is not legal in their home state. Larry's symptoms are very pronounced: he has trouble walking, he has difficulty speaking and is in obvious pain as he tries to control his severe shaking. After placing only one drop of cannabis oil under his tongue, what happens next is truly incredible and could pave the way for a possible cure for the debilitating disease in the future. Within just a few minutes, Larry's body completely relaxes. His shaking stop, he can speak normally and is completely alleviated of pain.

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